Warsaw - Paris - London
My life has been crazy for the last two months. Too much traveling, certainly. Not that I complain, but I just couldn't bring my thoughts together in this carousel and write something here.
Much missed faces, not enough time for everybody, just enough to exchange a joke or two and run to another meeting. Interesting, the kind of pictures you see when you look so briefly. It's like looking at escaping images and trying to appreciate them, but not being able to run fast enough to even catch sight of the details. After a couple of days like that you stay exhausted and empty, missing people even more than you missed them before.
Speaking of family - all my family is quite good at cooking. I mean, we all like it, but everybody has a different exquisite approach. THIS is my brother cooking:
One funny observation about traveling in Poland is how quickly you can switch from left-had driving into right-hand driving and back. And even funnier, how easily you can get confused with that a month later without any reason in a middle of a roundabout.
I promised to write something about cycling in Paris, as this was an awesome experience. Everybody who visited Paris would agree that taking the metro there is a rather unpleasant experience. Especially if you want to know the city better, that's not the best way. Which is why this brilliant idea of building car parks (well, bicycle parks in fact, but I'm not sure this is a legitimate word) every 300 meters all over Paris totally blew our minds.
What's more, everybody can take a bike (Velib) after paying one Euro and cycle wherever they want. And you can be sure that no mater how far you ride, you will find a place where you can park your steed. What's more, there are cycling lanes and dedicated paths everywhere.
Can't wait for this system to be introduced in London!

For those with strong nerves (and Polish speakers, apologies, it's too embarrassing to translate it) check what are the Polish politicians' views on cycling in Warsaw.